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Rising damp: causes and treatment

Rising damp is one of the most frequently occurring damp problems and can be treated completely, if handled correctly. In this article you can read about all the possible causes and consequences of rising damp, as well as how to recognise it. We will also cover 3 methods of damp treatment, with their prices per running meter.

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how to recognise rising damp Rising damp: cause and effect

Damp walls often occur in older buildings without a damp-proof course at ground-level. As a result groundwater is absorbed by the walls.

The obstinacy of this kind of damp problem depends on the water level and the porosity and thickness of the materials.

Rising damp can affect the wall finishing and even harm the foundations of the building.

Moreover, damp can cause lots of health problems, for example allergies or problems with airways.


How to recognise rising damp?

This problem can manifest itself in both inner and outer walls. There are several symptoms that can lead to the diagnosis ‘rising damp’. Damp patches on the walls are of course an obvious and clear indication of damp problems. Mold, a stale smell and loose wall coating (paint, wallpaper, plaster) are also possible symptoms.


How to treat rising damp: 3 methods

There are different methods to treat rising damp. Which one will be the best fit for your house depends of the state of the building and the persistency of the problem.


1) Damp-proof injection

The most commonly used solution is injecting your walls with a damp-proof product. It’s quite simple, but a correct execution still requires some precision and professional knowledge:

First you have to drill holes in the wall, every 10 to 12 cm and just above ground level. These holes are filled with a damp-proof cream or fluid. This will expand in the brickwork an prevent the damp from penetrating the building. After everything has been filled, the walls need to dry out and then you can coat them again.

When you leave the injecting to a damp specialist, you can expect a price from £ 90 per meterVia our quote service, you can request customised and non-binding price offers from damp specialists for free.

Read more about injecting damp walls.

injecting walls against rising damp


2) Horizontal wall cutting

This is a second possible technique to treat ground water. Here the wall is cut horizontally through the entire width from both sides of the wall as if the entire building is being picked up. In the freed space a synthetic damp-proof course is placed so that damp will be a problem of the past.

As you can imagine, because of dust, damage and the fact that you have to coat the entire wall again, this invasive technique is mainly used during grand renovation works.

If you call in a professional to do the work, it’ll be about £ 90 to 140 per meter. For a customised and non-binding price offer for your project, go to our online quote service.

Rising damp treatment


3) Carebrick damp treatment

Carebrick is an innovative damp treatment technique especially used in the Netherlands. A ceramic tube places elements in the damp walls, and because of the two openings in these elements an air current is created in the damp wall. The air cools of and a thermal bridge is created. The damp is then being pulled towards this thermal bridge and is being lead outside.

The Carebrick damp treatment system can be applied to both single brick and hollow walls. Prices are around £ 105 per meter.



Damp treatment: compare prices!

If you want to leave the damp treatment to a professional, keep in mind that the above-mentioned prices are target prices. How much it will cost exactly depends on a number of things, such as the surface area of the walls with damp problems, the persistency of the problem and any additional treatments like removing mold.

The rates of different damp specialists can vary as well, that’s why we recommend you request quotes from more than one expert when treating rising damp. Via our quote service, you can request customised and non-binding price offers from damp specialists for free. That way you can easily compare prices and find the best offer. Click here to receive tailor-made price offers.